Vacation Bible School registration is open FOR 2023! VBS will be held Monday-Friday, June 19-23, from 9:00 until 12:00 each day (drop off begins at 8:30). Children ages 4 (by June 19) through 12 are welcome to register HERE. Please share this link with your family and friends! If you’d like to volunteer with VBS, please contact Melanie Tennant at
University Baptist Church believes children have the capacity and desire to grow spiritually. We seek to provide opportunities for our children to learn deeper concepts related to biblical content and what it means to be a follower of Jesus. This involves learning that is creative, fun, and activity based.
During the worship hour, we offer a “children’s church” for children K through fifth grade. Each week, they start worship in the adult service with their parents and then, after the children’s sermon, head upstairs to their sanctuary in Room 210 for their own service.
Yearly activities for children include Vacation Bible School, summer music camp, Fall Festival, special Easter and Christmas activities, as well as occasional field trips to go putt-putting, hiking, ice skating, swimming and other fellowship opportunities. Ministry service projects are also a regular part of our children’s ministry and they include food collection for the Emergency Food Bank, regular trips to the UVa Hospital Hospitality House with goodies for the families staying there, baking cookies for staff at the UVA hospital, and more.