“Circle of Caring” is our deacon-led team ministry designed to meet the needs of our members and others associated with UBC. It is also an opportunity for church members to share their gifts, talents and passions with others in the church and in the community.
How it works:
Anyone who has a need or knows of a need can call the church office (434) 293-5106.
- The Deacon Coordinator will assess the need and alert the appropriate teams.
- Teams will respond to needs with care and compassion.
- Team members will receive training as needed.
The teams consist of:
- Bereavement — Offers support to our church family in times of grief and loss
- Celebrations — Acknowledges and celebrates significant accomplishments of our members
- Comfort Food — Provides meals for those dealing with issues
- Homebound Care — Stays in touch with UBC members who are no longer able to travel outside their homes and provide support as needed
- Small Jobs and Transportation — Supplies helping hands for small projects and provides rides to church activities and other important appointments
All UBC members and friends are encouraged to join a team. Anyone who has a need or knows of a need can call the church office.