Planned Giving
We thank you for your interest in supporting the work of University Baptist Church (UBC) Planned Giving is simply put a commitment made to provide a major gift over time or through your estate as part of your overall financial and estate planning. A growing number of individuals are choosing to include planned gifts in their estates and we hope you will chose to work with us.
Currently, there are two major types of planned giving that UBC is able to accept or help you to facilitate:
- Plans from your estate – A bequest from your estate can be established in a will, living trust, retirement plan or through life insurance.
- Qualified Charitable Distribution (QCD) from an individual retirement account (IRA)
a. To make a QCD you must be at least 72.
b. A QCD can count towards your required minimum distribution.
c. A maximum of $100,000 per individual can be donated as a QCD annually.
d. QCD’s must be transferred directly from the retirement account to UBC.
To learn more about QCD’s visit our QCD specific page here.
Thank you for considering making UBC part of your financial and estate planning. We look forward to continuing our work in the community and growing our relationships with our members, neighbors and those we have yet to meet.