Richard E. Myers Lecture Series

All lectures are FREE and open to the public.

Upcoming lectures:

Spring 2024 
Asa Griggs Candler Professor of Religion and Culture – Candler School of Theology, Emory University
Past Lectures:
Paul Fiddes (March 20-22, 2018)
“The Play’s the Thing: Shakespeare and Religion” 
R. Marie Griffith (February 26-28, 2019)
“Can a Fractured Nation Make Peace? Facing History and Restoring Our Deepest Values” 
David Tracy (September 17-19, 2019)
“The Prophetic & Mystical Understanding of God” 
Stanley Hauerwas (February 4-6, 2020)
“Becoming Human: Theological Exercises in A Barthian Vein” 
Sir Michael Edwards (March 29-31, 2022)
“On the Perpetual Strangeness of the Bible”
Miroslav Volf (October 18-20, 2022)
“Striving for Superiority”
Sarah Beckwith (April 25-27, 2023)
“Shakespeare’s Theological Virtues”
Volumes from previous lectures available from the University of Virginia Press